The Clearwater Ice Storm is run by President, Fred Eaton, who’s been running successful high level programs in Florida for over 30 years. Fred is additionally the Vice President of SAHOF (Statewide Amateur Hockey of Florida). Along with the board, Eric Wessel, Tyler Watkins and Chase Bafia they have brought an elite coaching staff and high intensity training to the Clearwater/Tampa area. They pride themselves on being a professionally run organization and their elite teams competing amongst the top teams in the nation. Going into year 4 of existence, the Ice Storm have had a team represent FL at nationals every season. CIS looks to continue to move on players to the next level and build as a program, chasing new ventures to improve the game not only in FL but on the national level.
Clearwater Ice Storm play at Clearwater Ice Arena located at 13940 Icot Blvd, Clearwater, FL 33760.